Beim Osterfestival Imago Dei 2018 "Nacht&Träume",
16.03.2018, Klangraum Krems Minotitenkirche


Here you will find all information and images about the location, the Festival Imago Dei and other festivals as well as sound art.

All press materials
© ©Sascha Osaka, Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche


Texts, photos and accreditation

Barbara Pluch
Tel: +43 (0) 664 604 99 322
Fax: +43 (0) 2732/90 80 31

© David Visnjic / Klangraum

Press releases, press photos, archive

Here you will find all information and images about the location, the Festival Imago Dei and other festivals as well as sound art.

Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche

The early Gothic former Minorite church of St. Ulrich was secularised in the 18th century. Today it is an atmospheric show and listening venue for various festivals, concerts and sound art works.

Festival Imago Dei

Every year in the weeks leading up to Easter, the Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche becomes an inspiring meeting place for music from different eras, religions and cultures. SAVE THE DATE: FESTIVAL IMAGO DEI 2025, MARCH, 29 to APRIL, 21. (Artistic director: Albert Hosp)

Sound Art

During the summer months, site-specific sound installations by international artists will bring the spatial architecture and acoustics of the Minorite Church and the chapter house to life in a special way. The SOUND ART WORKS 2024 will be Andreas Trobollowitsch: SÄGEZAHN 7.2. (2024) und Jonáš Gruska: Commissioned Work (2024) gezeigt (Shown from: 13.06. to 06.10.).

Reproduction of the photos for press purposes (in connection with the festivals) is free of charge if the names of the photographers and the festival are mentioned. 
For additional background material on current and past events, audio samples, interview arrangements or press tickets, please contact Barbara Pluch.

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